This is a database, a comprehensive list, completely free to enter, no country boundaries, and no limitations on whether you are freelance, self-employed, limited company, or currently ‘seeking employment’.
We are breaking down the areas to geographic and product/design construction services. Therefore, opening new opportunities to suppliers through us, equality for everyone.
We outsource/sub-contract
Yes. We request in advance your individual and company legastrative terms and conditions of employment, alongside a full comprehensive account of your service in response to the request we submit.
Kirstin Oliver Arts Consultancy Ltd, are independent consultants and address each project in its entirety from the concept, construction through to completion and handover. The database is a private list of expertise, per field, for us to contact you directly.
We are critically noted for our standards of service, inclusion of pioneered and innovate design, and each of our subcontractors are regulated throughout the build of excellence, in the country of construction.
Codes of tender
Kirstin Oliver Arts Consultancy Ltd, under the construction services is registered at present under UK Government, and Local Council Bids & Tenders, alongside the leading Arts Unions, Associations and Guilds. We select, and particularly focus upon new builds, renovations, heritage and cultural preservation and full transformations under the following sectors:
Arts and Leisure
Arts & Cultural
The type of venue, space and facility varies greatly and please see our e-brochure, blogs and the website for further information.
Full time or freelance/ project by project contracts?
The type of service of request, warrants at this stage is for freelance, self-employed, solo traders, SMS (Small Businesses). Projects can last up-to a year depending upon the complexities of design, and through us, we work alongside you to ensure that what is expected from the client is achievable and practical through yourselves.
We contact everyone within our lists, and from the client brief, decide who’s skills is a ‘match’. All the information is balanced, and we do not have ‘preferred’ or discounted/sponsored supplier to ensure an ‘open human engineer’ bespoke community is encouraged.
Google/Pdf form.
Please find attached the links to access the website and/or download to apply to join the database. We will email reply, requesting for your company portfolio, and supporting information of service.
Please be aware: We cannot guarantee you work, however we do keep your details on file, and inform you when tenders/ and contract bids are in discussion. We are professionals ourselves and are exceptionally aware of the timescale in preparation creatively in response to an ask.
Changes of terms/ company status.
Please inform us if your circumstances change, whether in name, address, geographic area of coverage, employment status. If you are no-longer trading, please contact us to be removed from the database.
In the UK, we comply with GDPR rules regarding the storage of information.
Students/Appendices/ Newly Qualified.
At this stage, we are accepting newly qualified specialists, alongside self-employed, small businesses, limited companies, direct to the specialist list below on the database, or wish to be considered as an ‘alternative field specialist’.
We are unable at this early stage to accept training students or appendices, however ‘watch this space’. The intention is to be inclusive, on ‘online’ and ‘ground’ projects that will support Undergraduate/ Postgraduate and Level 6+ Vocational qualification industry access.
Database form and contact.
Please find attached below a pdf version of the form, open to all construction industry specialists, around the world. If you would like a editable World document, please contact us.
Email Us:
** If you are sending oversized files, please reference quote on the file names.